(De-)Serializing Garble Values
If the optional "serde"
crate feature is enabled, Garble supports serializing literal values to/from formats supported via serde. The following ABNF grammar shows how Garble literals are represented in JSON (using serde_json
literal = "\"True\"" /
"\"False\"" /
"{\"NumUnsigned\":[" uint "," uint-ty "]}" /
"{\"NumSigned\":[" int "," int-ty "]}" /
"{\"ArrayRepeat\":[" literal "," uint "]}" /
"{\"Array\":[" [literal *("," literal)] "]}" /
"{\"Tuple\":[" [literal *("," literal)] "]}" /
"{\"Enum\":[\"" string "\",\"" string "\"," variant "]}" /
"{\"Range\":[" uint "," uint "," uint-type "]}"
uint = 1*DIGIT
uint-ty = "\"Usize\"" /
"\"U8\"" /
"\"U16\"" /
"\"U32\"" /
"\"U64\"" /
int = ["-"] uint
int-ty = "\"I8\"" /
"\"I16\"" /
"\"I32\"" /
"\"I64\"" /
string = 1*ALPHA
variant = "\"Unit\"" /
"{\"Tuple\":[" [literal *("," literal)] "]}"
Here are some example Garble literals and how they would be serialized as JSON:
Garble Literal | Serialized as JSON |
true | "True" |
200u32 | {"NumUnsigned":[200,"U32"]} |
-200 | {"NumSigned":[-200,"Unspecified"]} |
[true; 3] | {"ArrayRepeat":["True",3]} |
[true, false] | {"Array":["True","False"]} |
(true, false, 10) | {"Tuple":["True","False",{"NumUnsigned":[10,"U8"]}]} |
FooBar {foo: true, bar: false} | {"Struct":["FooBar",[["foo","True"],["bar","False"]]]} |
FooBar::Foo | {"Enum":["FooBar","Foo","Unit"]} |
FooBar::Bar(true, false) | {"Enum":["FooBar","Bar",{"Tuple":["True","False"]}]} |
2u8..10u8 | {"Range":[2,10,"U8"]} |