Data Types
Garble supports several primitive types: Booleans (bool
), unsigned integers of different bit lengths (u8
, u16
, u32
, u64
, usize
) and signed integers of different bit lengths (i8
, i16
, i32
, i64
). Note that in contrast to Rust, the type suffix of a number must sometimes be specified because Garble only supports a limited form of type inference for numbers. If no type suffix is specified and Garble cannot figure out the type, i32
will be used by default.
Primitive types support the usual logical, bitwise and arithmetic operations:
pub fn main(_a: i32, _b: i32) -> () {
let add = 0 + 1;
let sub = 1 - 1;
let mul = 2 * 1;
let div = 2 / 1;
let rem = 5 % 2;
let bit_xor = 4u32 ^ 6;
let bit_and = 4u32 & 6;
let bit_or = 4u32 | 6;
let bit_shiftl = 4u32 << 1;
let bit_shiftr = 4u32 >> 1;
let and = true & false;
let or = true | false;
let eq = true == false;
let neq = true != false;
let gt = 5 > 4;
let lt = 4 < 5;
let gte = 5 >= 4;
let lte = 4 <= 5;
let unary_not = !true;
let unary_minus = -5;
let unary_bitflip = !5u32;
Just like Rust, Garble supports short forms that combine assignment and operators, e.g. a += 1
as a short form for a = a + 1
pub fn main(_a: i32, _b: i32) -> () {
let mut x = 0i32;
x += 5;
x -= 3;
x *= 3;
x /= 2;
x %= 1;
let mut x = 0u32;
x ^= 4;
x &= 3;
x |= 2;
x <<= 1;
x >>= 1;
let mut b = true;
b ^= true;
b &= true;
b |= true;
Since Garble does not support automatic type coercions, it is often necessary to explicitly cast integers to the desired type:
pub fn main(a: i32, b: u32) -> i64 {
let c = -500i64;
a as i64 + b as i64 + c
Several collection types are supported: Fixed-size arrays, ranges, tuples, structs and enums. In contrast to Rust, all collection types in Garble support equality comparison (==
) out of the box.
Arrays and Ranges
Arrays can be initialized either by explicitly listing all elements (which must have the same type) or by using a 'repeat expression', which repeats a single element a number of times.
pub fn main(a: u32, b: u32) -> [u32; 4] {
let array1 = [a, b, 0u32, 1u32]; // directly listing all elements
let array2 = [a; 4]; // `a` repeated 4 times
Arrays are indexed using array[index]
. An element can be reassigned if the whole array has been declared as mutable by let mut
. Each new let binding, no matter whether immutable or mutable, always copies the full array: As a result, mutating a single index only affects a single variable, never any other "copies" of the array. This might sound inefficient, but does not incur any performance penalty in a purely functional circuit using only Boolean gates. Consequently, there is no shared mutable state in Garble:
pub fn main(replacement: i32) -> [i32; 4] {
let mut array1 = [10, 20, 30, 40];
let second_val = array1[1]; // will be `20`
let mut array2 = array1;
array2[1] = replacement;
let second_val1 = array1[1]; // still `20`
let second_val2 = array2[1]; // equal to the value of `replacement`
Ranges are a more convenient notation for arrays of continuous numbers. They are treated by Garble as arrays and have an array type. The minimum value of a range is inclusive, the maximum value exclusive:
pub fn main(_a: i32) -> [i32; 5] {
10..15 // equivalent to `[10, 11, 12, 13, 14]`
Tuples can hold a fixed number of elements of heterogeneous types. Tuple fields are accessed using .
followed by an index (without type suffix) or using let-destructuring (tuples are immutable, so it is not possible to reassign a tuple field):
pub fn main(a: i32, b: u64) -> (i32, u64, i64) {
let sum = (a as i64) + (b as i64);
let tuple = (a, b, sum);
let a = tuple.0;
let b = tuple.1;
let sum = tuple.2;
let (a, b, sum) = tuple;
Structs must be declared as top-level types before they can be used. Note that unlike in Rust, only record-style structs (with named fields) are supported:
struct FooBar {
foo: i32,
bar: i32,
pub fn main(x: i32) -> i32 {
let foobar = FooBar { foo: x, bar: 2 };
Similar to Rust, Garble offers syntactic sugar for dealing with structs. If the value of a field is a variable with the same name as the field, the value can be omitted (writing Foo { bar }
instead of Foo { bar: bar }
), both in patterns and in struct literals. Additionally, a subset of the fields of a struct can be matched by ignoring the remaining fields using ..
struct FooBar {
foo: i32,
bar: i32,
pub fn main(x: (i32, i32)) -> i32 {
let (foo, bar) = x;
let foobar = FooBar { foo, bar };
match foobar {
FooBar { foo: 0, .. } => 1,
FooBar { foo, .. } => foo,
Just like tuples, structs are immutable, so it is not possible to reassign a struct field.
Similar to structs, enums must be declared as top-level types before they can be used and are accessed using pattern matching. Unlike in Rust, patterns must always specify the full enum variant name (e.g. EnumName::VariantName
enum Op {
Div(u8, u8),
enum OpResult {
Fields on an enum can be accessed using pattern matching:
pub fn main(op: Op) -> OpResult {
match op {
Op::Zero => OpResult::Ok(0),
Op::Div(x, 0) => OpResult::DivByZero,
Op::Div(x, y) => OpResult::Ok(x / y),